did you know ketchup could be a SUPER-FOOD?

You say, "Ketchup?!" Yes, it's true! Ketchup, the food almost every American child eats every day could be an asset to their digestive, and therefore, overall, health. That's why it is so important to me...and I am challenging all moms, dads, grandparents, heck, anyone who cares about  a child, to MAKE THEIR OWN KETCHUP. (Heinz and Muir Glen are not going to like this!) Lacto-fermented pickles and salsa

Right now, almost every ketchup you can buy in the store adds YET MORE SUGAR to your child's diet. We KNOW children DON'T NEED MORE SUGAR in their diets. Any way you look at it, ketchup, organic or not, is tomatoes and sugar.  And kids LOVE to slather that stuff on anything they can.

If you make your own ketchup, and mustard, and mayonnaise...and pickles...and salsa...and apple butter, among other things, and LACTO-FERMENT them, you can help your child by adding important PRO-BIOTICS, ENZYMES, and VITAMIN C to their diet. Last summer, Rachel Cross (musician and visual artist EXTRAORDINAIRE-for more about her, visit www.rachelcrossmusic.com) and I offered a SUMMER CAMP for kids...All About REAL Food. During that camp, children lacto-fermented their own pickles and salsa...and LOVED THEM!!! They couldn't get enough of them. These were 9-12 year olds. WHO SAID KIDS DON'T LIKE TO EAT FOODS THAT ARE GOOD FOR THEM?  The kids even wrote their own song about the benefits of these foods...called "MAGICAL FOODS". If you would like to hear their song, check back here soon...I'll upload an MP3.

Join the Ketchup Revolution!

Kids and salsa

Learn how to make your own ketchup at a class with me...Saturday morning, February 27 in Alexandria, VA or Saturday morning, March 20 in Falls Church, VA, or buy my DVD and learn to make it yourself at home! (See the class schedule page for more information and to register!)