Join me in Denver in July!

Announcing: The (first) Annual Regional Cooking for Well-Being Conference!

Spend a weekend learning traditional cooking techniques with me! Have your questions answered!

Learn some new techniques! Eat some delicious, nutritious, traditionally cooked food!

Whether you are an old hand or just starting your journey of incorporating nourishing, traditional foods into your life,

there is something here for everyone!

Here is what some people said from the cooking track I taught at Wise Traditions 2010, (aka, "testimonials"):

“Your workshop last Monday (Wise Traditions 2010) was very helpful, informative and well organized not to mention very enjoyable. You are the real deal. About 5 years ago my family and I embraced the WAP diet. As a physician and homeopath I can get a little overwhelmed keeping up with all the ferments, crispy nuts not to mention condiments, not to mention teaching it to my patients. I was grateful for your clarity and honesty in class. I am excited to share your wisdom and organization techniques.” L Robbins, Medical Doctor

Anyone out there on the fence about taking classes for cooking when you've been cooking forever?  I have the cookbook (NT).  What else could I need? Me, too! But after hearing great things about one or two of the classes advertised on here, I thought I'd take when I got, you know, around to it. That time arrived.  Yesterday I had the opportunity to attend an all-day cooking class with Monica at Wise Traditions. It's worth it, folks.  Great tips (cut up the linen kitchen towel - better than cheese cloth), answers (why isn't there any pork in NT?) more planning advice, more practical applications and explanations for the way things are in NT. When those opportunities come along, I recommend her classes…”Angel in WV