Book testimonial...!

Hi folks, I wanted to share this one with you ... a testimonial about my new book, with Love from Grandmother's Kitchen: Traditional Cooking Techniques for Well-Being

"Good Heavens to Murgatroid! as Landon would say!! If I had known how great this book was going to be, I would have ordered more than just two copies -- one for me and one for MHF. It's like having all the notes and charts you've scattered all about the house neatly encapsulated in a small kitchen DRAWER. It's like having Monica Corrado at your shoulder when you need her. What was I THINKING?!? The binding is brilliant, the format and type are brilliant, the content is brilliant, it is BRILIG and doth teach you well. It is compact and concise but nutrient-dense. It might be Monica's first book, but I don't think even SHE can do better. THIS is the book you need. And you know who you are! TRUST ME!! Get it now and start the New Year off right. And no, I don't work for Monica. And I didn't even gush about Joel Salatin's latest book. But I'm gushing about this one. TRUST ME!!  P.Hannam,VA

Thanks, P!!