"you have to soak oatmeal? why?"

I am asked this question over and over, by moms and others wanting to feed their children and their families nourishing whole grains. They are puzzled because it doesn't say so on the box. Hmmmmmmmm. Another problem with eating processed food in the industrial agricultural model, another problem with a food system that is run by what I call the "Food Industrial Complex".  Somewhere along the way we got away from eating whole grains the way they are best eaten...soaked for a long time with what I call a "neutralizer"...and then served with good, wholesome butter from pastured cows, or their unadulterated (read fresh from the cow), full fat cream. Mmmmmmm mmmmm delicious! AND nutritious! I will be teaching all the WHYS, HOWS,  WHATS and FOR HOW LONGS about whole grains AND legumes this Saturday, February 6, in Alexandria, VA. This information is in addition to what may be found in the Nourishing Traditions cookbook. To register, see the 2010 class schedule page.

And if you can't make it to class, you may pre-order a beautifully hand-illustrated BEAN and GRAIN chart.

delicious SOAKED oatmeal