Under stress? got the flu? Healing Soups series...

Bieler broth

Let's do a series of soups that are healing tonics, that will give you the minerals and vitamins you need... and electrolytes. We'll start today with a variation on the theme of Bieler Broth...from Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon...it is a soup created by Dr. Henry Bieler "to restore the acid-alkaline balance and sodium-potassium balance to organs and glands...especially the adrenals". It is great for those under stress (who isn't?) and those presenting stress-related symptoms, such as lower back pain and ligament problems. It is also great for fasting (which I personally do not recommend during the winter months), for "energy" and "overall health". I was craving it the other day, so I made up a batch.

This particular soup relies on the healing properties of zucchini, which has a high sodium content that nourishes the adrenals and parsley, renowned for lending tremendous amounts of minerals to a stock or soup when added at the last minute. These two ingredients, along with celery and green beans are what helps to nourish the organs and glands.

Here is my version, which is a synthesis of Bieler Broth, a pure tonic and it's tastier version by Dr. Connelly, more of a "vegetable soup". Both of the original recipes may be found in NT.

I am assuming, as always, that you are using the purest and most nutrient-dense ingredients that you can find...stock from pastured animals, vegetables that are organic and sustainably grown, etc.

4 cups chicken stock or pure water or a combination

1 cup green beans (can be frozen if you cannot find fresh at this time of year or in your area)

1 cup chopped celery with leaves

2 medium zucchini, cut in half and then again in thirds and diced (can use more)

1 bunch parsley,  (or more) chopped fine

4 T fermented ketchup

sea salt

Bring stock or water to a boil. If stock, skim scum and discard. Add vegetables and simmer 10-15 minutes, until vegetables are tender. When vegetables are done, turn off the pot and whisk in fermented ketchup and parsley. Serve with sea salt.

Drink often if you are under stress or mending. :))

Note: if you do not have fermented ketchup, use tomato paste (preferably from a glass jar) and some fish sauce. Add at the same time. I prefer fermented ketchup because of the complexity of flavors it adds to a dish. (And I just prefer fermented ketchup!) If you would like to make your own fermented ketchup, I invite you to purchase my first DVD, The Ketchup Revolution: Making Fermented Condiments.

Bon appetit! And happy health and healing! Look for my next Healing Soup tomorrow.

Be well!