What is a Leaky Gut, anyway?!

And why should you care?
There's a lot of talk these days about a "leaky gut". What is it? Why should you care?

The part of the "gut" that the term refers to is the duodenum of the small intestine. The duodenum is the first part of the small intestine into which the stomach dumps its high acid mixture for further digestion and absorption. If that part of the small intestine has holes in it or is damaged, it is termed "leaky". That's because it leaks. Into the bloodstream...your bloodstream. The transportation system of the body, the one that carries nutrients to cells, and wastes away from cells...read on.

What leaks out of the small intestine into the blood stream? Large molecules of food that have not been broken down by that damaged area. This is highly problematic for many reasons, a few of which follow:
  1. Your food has not been digested, so your body will not get the nutrients from the food. If this goes on for a long time, you will be malnourished, and suffer the symptoms that that brings.
  2. Your food has not been digested, so large molecules will leak into the bloodstream. If they are protein molecules, the body will recognize them as "foreign proteins", and launch an immune response. If this goes on for a long time, you will likely develop autoimmune disorders.
  3. Foreign food molecules in the bloodstream mean that you will develop food sensitivities. In the beginning, just a few sensitivities. As time goes on, your body will become highly reactive to many foods.
  4. Toxins will also leak into the bloodstream, which will go to the brain and cause focusing issues, brain fog, and inability to concentrate. If this goes on for a while, ADD, ADHD, OCD, SPD, depression, and mood swings--think bipolar-- can develop. Schizophrenia has also been indicated.
Okay, so if all of that is probable with a leaky gut, why not heal it? It's easy once you know how.
For more information about the best protocol I know to heal AND seal the gut, check out http://www.gaps.me/.
If you would like to learn how to cook to heal your gut, join me for informative, inspiring, and fun classes! I'll be teaching in Fort Collins, Colorado on Saturday and Sunday, May 16 and 17..."Heal Your Leaky Gut: Cooking for the GAPS Diet". Easy peasy when you know how. And that's exactly my intention: to teach you how! More information about the cooking weekend here: http://goo.gl/BlJpQL