Fruit Kvass! The perfect summer ferment!

Fruit Kvass next to its kin, Beet Kvass!

I LOVE Fruit Kvass! Fruit Kvass is a lacto-fermented beverage made out of fruit, whey and water. Kids LOVE this drink! AND you can freeze it and make popsicles to help with the heat of summer.

Important to remember: this is a lacto-fermented beverage. That means it has LIVE beneficial bacteria in it, and can produce “die-off” if you add it to your diet out of the blue! If you (or your children) have been drinking kombucha, cabbage tonic, beet kvass, kefir, etc., or eat homemade yogurt regularly, then consume with abandon! If not, start with a teaspoon or so in sparkling mineral water, and gradually increase the amount according to your tolerance.

Here's my easy peasy recipe:

A handful or two of organic fruit, washed and chopped coarsely (no need to remove skins or pits)

Throw (lovingly) into the bottom of a clean, wide-mouthed quart jar

Add 8 oz./250 ml of whey dripped from yogurt

Fill the jar to the shoulder with filtered water

Cap tightly, place on the counter or table out of the sun for 2-3 days, or until you cannot press the middle of the lid down, and you see bubbles forming.

Then place in the refrigerator.

Hint: use a canning jar that has a two-piece lid

Another hint: mix it up! Add fresh mint from the garden, and chopped or grated ginger...berries are great, as are mangoes and pineapple and any other yummy fruit you have -- or that is about to be "a little less than fresh"

Drink straight (remember this is a live beverage, so start with just a sip or two if you do not regularly consume probiotic foods and beverages) OR dilute with sparkling mineral water and add a squeeze of lemon or lime. Delish! (Nutrish!)

Sante' - To your health!!

Monica Corrado