GAPS Cooking Weekend Pre-Session!
Attending the GAPS Cooking Weekend?
Learn everything you need to know about WHY and HOW the GAPS Nutritional Protocol works BEFORE you learn the cooking techniques!
Not attending, but want to learn more about GAPS?
This afternoon session is perfect for you!
Do you have a leaky, damaged, or unhealthy gut? The symptoms tell the tale: autoimmune
disease, brain fog, focusing disorders, autism spectrum disorders, food allergies and sensitivities!
Monica Corrado, known as the "GAPS Chef"will explain what you need to know about the GAPS diet, what it is, and how it works!
This is the ORIGINAL "Heal your leaky gut" diet!
Nearly every physical symptom in the body can be traced to a gut in need of healing. Learn all the cooking techniques you need to heal yours and your family's!
Join us Friday afternoon from 1:30pm-5pm. You will be glad you did!
Where: Fort Collins, Colorado
Registration Information: Pre-Session Add-On: Why and How the GAPS diet works
ADD ON: Pre-session Friday, October 1, 1:30pm-5pm $149