Let's make lard!

Let's make lard. So easy.close up pork fat cubes for lard Start with the purest pork fat that you can find. Seek out grass farmers and those that raise their pigs sustainably. You also may wish to ask what they feed their pigs. As you know, fat stores toxins-so you want to work with the purest fat you can find. I am lucky to be able to purchase pork fat from Rocky Plains meats in Loveland, CO. If you are on the east coast/DC area, check with Polyface Farms and Smith Meadows meats.

So purchase good quality pork fat. Cut it into small pieces with a good knife. Be sure to remove any meat or other impurities and discard.

Place pork fat in a stainless steel, glass, or cast iron pan. Place pan in a slow oven-200-225 degrees F. Put the timer on for 1.5-2 hours.

Most of the fat will melt; some will not. When most of the fat has melted, carefully-it will be hot- pour it off into a clean glass jar or ramekin. If you are a purist, strain the liquid through a cheesecloth or linen-napkin lined strainer as you pour. Let it cool at room temperature, and viola! you have lard!!

Because it is such a stable fat, you may store lard on your counter a room temperature. You may also store it in the refrigerator, but that will make it harder to work with because it will be rock solid. Your choice-either way is fine.

Use lard for baking (like your Grandmother did) or for frying or for any other cooking you need to do. Lard made well has no odor or pork taste, so it is quite versatile. Enjoy!

If you would like more info about stable fats-what they are and how to use them in cooking, check out my new book, with Love From Grandmother's Kitchen: Traditional Cooking Techniques for Well-Being here


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