Eggnog Made Right is a Super-Food!

Yes, it's true! Eggnog a super-food! But this is not your ordinary, store-bought eggnog. It is not even the organic eggnog available on supermarket shelves. It is eggnog you make yourself, from pure, nutrient-dense ingredients in their most natural state: clean, pure, fresh milk, raw egg yolks from pastured hens, fresh grated nutmeg and perhaps a dash of cinnamon. Some folks like to add cream, but my experience with fresh raw milk is that it is do rich, the cream is not needed. Let me tell you how I happened upon this: I was working at the annual Weston A. Price Foundation conference in Dallas last month, Wise Traditions 2011, coordinating all the food and acting as liaison between WAPF principles and the kitchen staff for 1200 or so participants. Long days, lots of running, to put it mildly. I needed my body to keep up the pave, and I needed my mind to stay clear. I was blessed to work with Mike Mudrak, (who was what I called a "runner"; others would call him a "gopher", amd oh what a running gopher he was!) I got to meet Mike's wife Judith. (Judith runs an annual tour to her native Switzerland every year through WAPF.) Every morning, they started their day with eggnog. This was a simple recipe: raw milk and raw egg yolks; often 5 yolks to about 8-12 oz. of milk. Stir. Down the hatch! I was a disbeliever-and then I tried a glass. (Truth be told, Judith took it easy on me and I started with a small glass and 3 yolks instead of their usual 5 or 6.) Wow! Nutrient-dense Nirvana! That cup of power got me through for hours! And my thinking was sharp and clear, even though I had been working for days!

So just last night, I was craving calcium and fat. I had just enjoyed a delightful meal of potatoes, onions and kale cooked in bacon fat with German sausages from our local meat market. Still hungry. Then I remembered: eggnog. I had all the ingredients right in my fridge. Yum yum. Down the hatch! Delish! That's when it occurred to me; I started thinking... eggnog made well is a true super-food! All of the live enzymes, good fat, healthy bacteria, and available protein in the fresh milk plus all the nutrients in the incredible egg yolk! Some cinnamon for stoking the digestive fire...

If you are blessed in this country to have access to fresh, clean, raw milk and pastured eggs, make this super-food for your family! Especially your children! Don't hold back! They need the calcium and the fat and the choline in the yolks for their brains! Enjoy! Enjoy! And happy holidays to all of you who celebrate the season!

P. S. I do not encourage you to try this with pasteurized milk or cream. Organic or not, from grass-fed cows or not, pasteurized milk is hard to digest for most people and is just not worth it. A possible compromise: use watered down organic, whole milk, plain yogurt with pastured egg yolks. Just "up" the number of yolks and add vanilla and a bit of maple syrup to counter the sour yogurt taste!